Financial News

Are You Ready for the Plastic Ban?

Word:[Big][Middle][Small] QR Code 2019/12/31     Viewed:    

    Editor's note: Beginning May 1, fast delivery companies, hotels, and restaurants will be forbidden from using disposable plastic boxes and bags, according to the regulation by the top legislature of Beijing on Nov 27. China Daily forum readers share their opinions.

    GhostBuster (Expat in China)

    Fortunately, I have been using a stainless steel rectangular container, chopsticks, spoon and fork since I was young. Now, I am glad that I have not contributed to plastic waste. Of course, wherever I go and whenever I use them, people do cast a strange look at me. No problem!

    chuangZuZu (Slovakia)

    The continued use of plastic bags is a serious insult to the environment. It is true also in Slovakia, where most people opt to pay a few cents for the plastic bag rather than carry their own reusable one. One solution is to phase out plastic bags altogether. Then the reusable kind will be expensive enough to make people keep them. If Confucius' ethics education is not enough, then strict legislation makes the difference.

    ceciliazhang (China)

    I welcome the policy and the most important thing is to help find viable alternatives for the fast delivery companies. They are probably less convenient and more expensive compared to plastic. But in the interest of the environment, small discomfort and increased cost is acceptable. The public also should be educated to go to shopping with a bag and reduce single-use plastics.

    Fred9 (Malaysia)

    Other places already started using biodegradable plastic, banana leaves, coconut leaves for wrapping food, fruits and vegetables.

    pnp (Expat in China)


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