Financial News

NDRC announced new regulations: to encourage private capital investment in natural gas infrastructur

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Reform of the energy sector is moving forward .

Yesterday ( March 20 ) , the National Development and Reform Commission announced the " natural gas infrastructure and operations management approach" ( hereinafter referred to as the "Rules" ) . "Measures" for natural gas, coal bed methane, shale gas and coal gas , etc. to the corresponding provisions of the residents can be implemented in future natural gas prices gas ladder , seasonal difference, can snuff out price differences in pricing policies . In addition, the "approach" encourages, supports all types of capital to invest in building into a unified plan of gas infrastructure .

Ladder gas price mentioned again

For civil gas , the " approach" provides natural gas transactions conducted through the gas infrastructure parties shall abide by the provisions relating to the price of natural gas price management authorities. Natural gas can be implemented inhabitants tiered prices , seasonal difference, and so can the price difference breathe pricing policy .

In January, the National Development and Reform Commission spokesman Lee Park Min has said that this year the NDRC will accelerate the improvement of resource products price formation mechanism, and actively promote the natural gas sector reform , improve the residents water, electricity, gas and other tiered prices .

According to the " Economic Information Daily" said, after several discussions modified, "Guidance on the implementation of the residents living with gas gas price ladder " has been completed and submitted to the State Council , is expected to launch during the year . Full speed water, electricity, gas and other public resources price reform will be good water supply , gas companies , and thus transmitted to the whole industry chain.

In addition, the "approach" provides natural gas sales enterprise shall establish gas reserves in 2020 has not less than 10% of its annual contract sales volume of work in order to meet the market supply season ( January ) and the occurrence of natural gas peaking supply of gas and other emergency situation requiring an interrupt when .

Town gas supply enterprises should bear the responsibility of market hours peaking supply . From natural gas and town gas sales business ventures undertaken specific consultation peaking gas supply market day responsibilities , and be agreed in the natural gas purchase and sale contract .

Analysts������Zhuo record information on the "Daily Economic News" , told reporters that China's current gas storage created primarily in response to peak demand for natural gas , natural gas storage is currently the country is about 8 billion cubic meters , while in 2013 apparent consumption was 169.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas , far above 10% of the index .

China -owned shares has been determined

In the Development and Reform Commission published the " measures" to encourage private capital to enter the field of natural gas infrastructure has been determined.

Previously, the "measures" in the comments , it has been proposed gas infrastructure operators should provide non-discriminatory service , shall not use for infrastructure control crowding the intent of other natural gas operating companies , and now has made it clear in the way of this guideline .

"Rules" , the state encourages, supports all types of capital to invest in building into a unified plan of gas infrastructure . National Energy Board and the local people's governments above the county level departments shall strengthen the natural gas marketing companies , natural gas infrastructure and gas operators to manage the way users perform their supervisory obligations situations.

This policy is not just the NDRC raised encourage the involvement of private capital . Not long ago , the National Energy Board announced the " oil and gas pipeline facilities open and fair regulatory approach ( Trial)", in this way , and also mentioned in the oil and gas pipeline facility operators have spare capacity , should be open to third-party market players equality network facilities, transportation, storage , gasification, liquefaction and compression services.

According to the present disclosure , in 2013 our oil and gas pipelines total mileage of 106,000 kilometers , according to the China National Petroleum 2012 Annual Report disclosed that the company has oil and gas pipelines reached 67,000 kilometers , PetroChina , Sinopec and CNOOC, three in total control of the pipeline accounted for in the national over 70% , the proportion of small private capital .

Previously, Zhuo record information analyst Liuguang Bin told the "Daily Economic News" reporter , said , let the private and state-owned enterprises to the same horizontal line , emphasizing fairness and justice is currently in the gas sector reform more concrete places, encourage and guide private capital further expand investment in the energy sector , the energy sector continue to clean up and revise regulations impede private investment documents , has been listed as one of the important work of the National energy Board in 2014 .

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