Financial News

Bank financing is expected to yield issuance plunged edged

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Beijing Daily News ( Reporter Yu Yue goods ) financial products , according to the Finance Research Center statistics show that last week's sudden drop in circulation of financial products , and the product yields are expected to rise slightly.

Last week, a total of 565 models of financial products issued , issue number and the previous week compared to 224 product models . Financial products involving 54 banks , compared with the previous week , the issue of reducing the number of 13 banks. Last week, a total of 871 financial products upon maturity products involving 93 banks.

Last week, the average maturity of 133 days of financial products , financial products, compared with the previous week, the average duration of 126 days , slightly longer period . RMB financial products accounted for 97.7% , up 1.38 percentage points from the previous week 's 96.32% . Relative decrease in foreign currency accounted for more than financial products issued .

From the number of various types of financial products issued by banks , the financial products issued last week, the major state-owned commercial banks volume presents a more substantial drop .

Last week, the bank financial products are expected yields rose slightly week . 7 days , 14 days in December over a week period of financial products were slightly lower yields . In addition, other financial products each week period were Yields have improved to varying degrees , including one -month period of weeks are financial products yield the largest increase over the previous week raised 1.43 basis points. From the yield distribution, the highest expected rate of return for each period of a joint-stock commercial bank products and city commercial banks. 7 days , 14 days , in January and December , the highest of the four products are expected to yield deadline Ping An Bank [ 0.82% funding research report] products occupied the highest expected rate of return financial products January deadline reached 5.5%.

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