Financial News

State Department to support the steady growth of foreign trade: market-oriented exchange rate format

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Currently grim foreign trade situation is complex , the need to achieve full-year targets painstaking effort. To support the steady growth of foreign trade , approved by the State Council, made ​​the following comments:
First, efforts to optimize the trade structure

( A ) to further strengthen the imports. Continue to deepen the foreign trade management system, further reducing the automatic import licensing types of goods . Accelerating the development of national import trade to promote innovation demonstration zone , give full play to the gathering area for expanding import trade import and leading role in the demonstration . Actively supports digital, intelligent , and other advanced technology and equipment, key parts imported . Expanding domestic import shortage of resources, a reasonable increase is closely related to people's life , the necessary general consumer goods imports. Combined with the elimination of backward production capacity, given qualified crude oil processing enterprises import and use of qualifications and expand crude oil import channels . Accelerate the implementation of the FTA strategy. ( Ministry of Commerce , Development and Reform Commission , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology , Ministry of Finance , Ministry of Agriculture , General Administration of Customs , State Administration of Taxation , AQSIQ is responsible )

(B ) maintain a steady growth in trade in goods . Stronger general trade, improve the proportion of general trade in goods trade, the traditional advantages of stable exports , support for intellectual property rights , brands, marketing network, high-tech, high value-added , cost-effective products for export. Upgrading of processing trade , processing trade ban amendment and restricted catalog , improve the processing trade policy, innovative processing trade , increase the intensity gradient transfer of processing trade , the formation of the transformation and upgrading coastal and inland areas ordered to undertake a new pattern. Development of other trade , expansion of border trade. ( Ministry of Commerce , General Administration of Customs )

(C ) support the development of service trade . Full use of existing special fund policies to increase support for the development of trade in services . Gradually expand the service imports. Combined with " Camp changed to increase " to expand the scope of reform , zero tax on export of services or exemptions to encourage exports of services . Policies to encourage financial institutions to increase efforts to support trade in services within the scope of business support services to trade key projects. Establish and improve trade and services adapted to the characteristics of customs clearance management. ( Ministry of Commerce , Ministry of Finance, General Administration of Customs , State Administration of Taxation is responsible )

( Four ) to play "going out" trade promotion role . Accelerate the interconnection with neighboring countries infrastructure . Promoting foreign trade and economic cooperation zones . Encourage enterprises to adopt greenfield investments , mergers and acquisitions and other ways to invest abroad , and promote the transfer of some industries to overseas . Adopt comprehensive measures to support enterprises to carry out major projects for international cooperation and project contracting, led Chinese equipment , materials, products, standards , technologies, services "going out ." Support enterprises to develop overseas brands, technology and production lines, mergers and acquisitions, improve international competitiveness . ( Ministry of Commerce , Development and Reform Commission is responsible )

Second, to further improve the trading environment

(E ) improve trade facilitation. Ways and means to further improve the regulatory and improve the relevance and effectiveness of customs inspection , and promote regional integration pilot clearance to implement paperless customs clearance , speed up customs clearance . Accelerate electronic port construction , the implementation of international trade "single window" admissible, comprehensively promote the " one declaration, one inspection and one release ," port authorities and local governments to achieve information sharing . Further reduce the administrative examination and approval , simplify procedures and reduce the types of goods export commodities inspection . Rectify and standardize the import and export of operating services and charges , reduce the burden on enterprises . ( Ministry of Commerce , General Administration of Customs Administration of Quality Supervision , Ministry of Finance, Development and Reform Commission is responsible )

(F ) specification import and export order. Full warning, organizing, coordinating role of industry associations to strengthen self-discipline, standardize enterprise behavior , prevent vicious competition, and strive to create an international rule of law of the business environment. Foreign trade enterprises to establish a credit history database , disciplinary promises to combat fraud and promote foreign trade enterprise credit system construction . ( Ministry of Commerce , Development and Reform Commission is responsible )

(Vii ) strengthen trade friction . Actively support enterprises to cope with anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations . Team building to strengthen the response to trade friction , give full play to the role of economic trade and international legal experts. Strengthening trade friction response overall coordination and sectoral cooperation , efforts to mitigate the negative impact of trade friction on my business development of international trade . Improve trade remedy legislation, conduct trade remedy investigations by law. ( Ministry of Commerce )

Third, strengthen policy support

( H) to further improve the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism of the market . Further develop the role of the market in the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism, strengthen two-way floating RMB exchange rate flexibility , and keep the RMB exchange rate basically stable at a reasonable and balanced level. Encourage financial institutions to develop to meet the needs of economic development entities hedging products to help companies avoid exchange rate risks. ( People's Bank [ microblogging ] responsible )

(Ix ) promoting cross-border trade in RMB. Expand the scale of cross-border RMB settlement to accelerate the use of RMB in cross-border trade and investment , and promote direct trading of RMB against other currencies, market development , and better cross-border trade in RMB clearing services. ( People 's Bank )

(J ) to improve financing services. Import and export enterprises to further broaden the financing channels and encourage commercial banks and export credit business . According to risk control, the principles of sustainable business , active and innovative financial products and services , to continue financing export credit insurance policies , there are orders increase , foreign trade enterprises have effective financial support. Positive development finance leases. Chinese financial institutions to improve the global credit management , strengthen cooperation with key industries and export enterprises , the steady supply chain extends to outside financing . ( People's Bank, the Development and Reform Commission , Ministry of Finance, China Banking Regulatory Commission , the Ministry of Commerce , foreign exchange bureau )

(Xi ) to increase export credit insurance support. Expanding the scale of export credit insurance and coverage , increase brand products, services trade, international marketing network and support to small and micro enterprises . Encourage insurance companies to expand short-term export credit insurance business , to further increase the short-term export credit insurance business entities . Under the premise of risk control , the export of large complete sets of equipment financing Yingbaojinbao ; role entrusted loan reserves platforms , and take effective measures to reduce the cost of financing the export of large complete sets of equipment . ( Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce , foreign exchange bureau )

(Xii ) improve the export tax rebate policy . Increase the intensity of the central government subsidies for the export tax rebate burden heavier areas , and further accelerate the progress of the export tax rebate , to ensure full and timely refund . Timely expansion of finance lease goods export tax rebate pilot. Meanwhile, efforts to crack down on tax rebates cheat . ( Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce , Development and Reform Commission , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology , General Administration of Customs , State Administration of Taxation is responsible )

Fourth, to enhance the competitiveness of foreign trade enterprises

(Xiii ) to support the development of various types of foreign trade enterprises . Accelerate foreign trade production bases , promote the transformation of foreign trade development mode . Comprehensive foreign trade enterprise development support services to provide specialized services for small and micro enterprises to export . Support private , small and medium enterprise development in foreign trade . Guide foreign trade enterprise restructuring , mergers and acquisitions, quality and efficiency , accelerate the formation of the core competitiveness of multinational conglomerates . ( Ministry of Commerce , Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Development and Reform Commission , Ministry of Finance, General Administration of Customs , State Administration of Taxation , Administration of Quality Supervision , foreign exchange bureau )

(Xiv ) a variety of trading platforms of innovation and improvement . Accelerate international exhibition, e-commerce, foreign trade commodity markets combined with other trade platform. Expand the " market purchases " way pilot. The introduction of cross-border e-commerce trade facilitation measures . Encourage enterprises to set up wholesale exhibition center, commodity markets , specialty stores , " overseas warehouse" and other types of international marketing networks overseas. ( Department of Commerce , National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, General Administration of Customs , State Administration of Taxation , AQSIQ , foreign exchange bureau )

Fifth, strengthen the organization and leadership

( Xv) to further raise awareness. Not only for the steady growth of foreign trade development , preserving jobs is critical , but also conducive to promoting China's economic integration with the world economy depth . All localities and departments should fully and accurately grasp the situation of foreign trade , taking into account the current and long-term , take decisive and effective measures to stimulate the vitality of market players , foreign trade enterprises to boost confidence , promote the steady growth of imports and exports .

( Xvi) grasp of policy measures implemented. Local people's governments at all levels and all departments should attach great importance to foreign trade , the overall situation as a positive . Adhere to deepen reform and opening , further changing functions, decentralization, enhance service awareness, improve the foreign trade enterprises, especially small and micro enterprises in service levels. Local people's governments at all levels to local practice, the introduction of targeted support measures as the situation requires , the formation of policy efforts. According to the relevant departments should pay close attention to the advice to develop specific programs of work , clear deadlines . Commerce Department sent a working group to , preaching policies , strengthen guidance , supervision and inspection to ensure that the policies and measures put in place.

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