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Development and Reform Commission for three consecutive days "Flirting" in the second half

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August 1, the official website of the NDRC issued a document "of agriculture and rural economy has maintained steady momentum to the good," "industrial restructuring in the first half made ​​new progress"; August 4 and issued a document "generally stable economic and social development in the first half" and "actively promote coordinated regional economic development "; August 5, the NDRC issued a document again," transportation infrastructure and transport sector reforms carried out smoothly, "" to further improve the level of opening up. "Except article summarizes the economic situation in the first half, the more ink focuses on the work of steady growth for the second half of the deployment.

It is reported that the National Development and Reform Commission will be held on August 6 conference, aimed at accelerating the development of producer services, promote industrial restructuring and upgrading.

"Has introduced a number of measures, but also has a corresponding policy reserve, we will be regulated according to the economic situation." Prior to the NDRC responsible person zhengbao says. Economy during the first half of the respondents have been settled, for the second half of the economic situation, the Prime Minister Li Keqiang made ​​to ensure that 7.5 percent economic growth target position. How the concrete implementation of steady growth in the second half?

From August 4, as the country's macroeconomic "Great Explorer," the National Development and Reform gives a series of important policy deployment, and its steady economic growth in the second half intent glance. This shows, in the second half directed to stimulate steady economic growth "profit" to be made, on the other hand from one side of the current economic downturn also shows the pressure and complexity greatly.

It is reported that the National Development and Reform Commission will be held on August 6 conference, aimed at accelerating the development of producer services, promote industrial restructuring and upgrading. This is the spirit of the May implementation of the State Council executive meeting, it is evident also directed part of the micro-stimulation.

Steady growth is expected to clear

"Current and future period of time, the key to economic growth is steady and stable investment." In the last day of July, the National Development and Reform Commission unequivocally gives a steady growth in the second half of the four posts "prescription" - deepen the investment and financing system to speed up the focus field development and promote investment in key areas, deepen the reform of investment approval system and optimize the central budget for investment arrangements.

Of course, this is only just the beginning, followed by August 1, the official website of the NDRC issued a document "of agriculture and rural economy has maintained steady momentum to the good," "the first half of industrial restructuring made ​​new progress"; August 4 and issued a document called "the six months is generally stable economic and social development "and" actively promote the coordinated development of regional economy "; August 5, the NDRC issued a document again," transportation infrastructure and transport sector reforms carried out smoothly, "" to further improve the level of opening up, "and so on.

In the above article, summed up the economic situation in the first half in addition to the NDRC, the more ink focuses on the work of steady growth for the second half of the deployment.

For example, "actively promote the coordinated development of regional economy," the article pointed out that in the second half to push the development of the eastern region to achieve a higher level of open, stable and stimulating play an important engine of economic growth and the special "stabilizer" role in the eastern region.

"To take a more targeted policy measures to further stimulate the development of energy, efforts to reverse the economic decline Northeast. Implement relevant policies and measures to promote the development of the central and western regions, and promote the inland and border open, maintain stable and rapid economic Midwest growth. "

Meanwhile, noted above to "Speeding preparation of Beijing, Tianjin, the Bohai Sea region and other key regional planning study to develop guidance on promoting coordinated regional development, enrich and develop more flexible and effective regional policy instruments, and gradually establish a mechanism for coordinated regional development . "

To improve the level of opening up, the NDRC in "further improve the level of opening up," a paper presented, "I appoint will actively promote China-ROK, China-Australia FTA negotiations at the end of the year, well in Japan and South Korea FTA negotiations, RCEP, etc. related work, and promote China - Sri Lanka, China - Colombia FTA negotiations to start as soon as possible, and continue to explore with more construction FTA trading partners. "

"Continuous Development and Reform Commission issued a document of intent is very clear, that is, given a series of important policy deployment, steady economic growth in the second half intent glance." One analyst told zhengbao.

In fact, in addition to the NDRC, there are also many other sectors of the economy, "a good show." The central bank announced on August 1 in the second quarter monetary policy report clearly will continue to implement prudent monetary policy, adhere to the "total stability, structural optimization" orientation, while maintaining the courage of your convictions and take the initiative as timely and appropriate preset tuning, enhancement regulatory predictability, relevance and effectiveness.

Enhance regional drive function

Coordinated regional development areas to remove the "quasi-directional drop" and other means of currency outside the class, not only conducive to the current, more conducive to long-term reform and innovation in one of the more exciting.

Just yesterday, the NDRC in the "transportation infrastructure and transport sector reforms carried out smoothly," the article also mentioned the matter.

"I Committee with relevant departments" Guidance on the basis golden waterway of the Yangtze River economic belt driven development "and" Yangtze River economic belt comprehensive three-dimensional transport corridor planning ", has been reported to the State Council executive meeting. Study the joint development of Beijing, Tianjin and other regional integrated traffic development ideas and plans. "

Prior to this, given the steady growth in the second half of the NDRC four posts of prescription Another highlight is "to promote investment in key areas," where the brunt of Beijing, Tianjin along the way.

"Accelerating economic zone and maritime Silk Road Silk Road construction, promote transportation, energy, information and other infrastructure interoperability. Strengthen joint development of Beijing, Tianjin, and actively promote the construction of major infrastructure of regional integration. Accelerate the development of the Yangtze River economic belt enhance the ability of the Yangtze golden path. "Policy Research Development and Reform Commission official said.

Reporters noted that since entering since August, Beijing, Tianjin and coordinated regional development revealed the signal more strongly, showing a substantial speed again.

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