Financial News

Chinese state-owned enterprises to increase the pace of investment in ASEAN

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As the tide of Chinese state-owned enterprise reform opened, more and more companies are trying to change the direction of development, seeking to invest in overseas markets breakthrough. As a close neighbor of the ten ASEAN countries increasingly concerned for Chinese enterprises, many companies began to do the "new article" in terms of food, IT, resources and so on.
According to Chinese customs data released in the first half 2014 China and ASEAN import and export value grew 2.6%. China - ASEAN Business Council Xu Ningning, executive director pointed out that although China and ASEAN trade to pick up, but from the 2020 one trillion U.S. dollars of trade objectives still to be done. In this regard, the industry called on the two sides need to promote brands.
As China's largest grain and oil food companies, COFCO is very optimistic about the Southeast Asian market. Reporters learned from the relevant person in charge at the current COFCO All palm oil are direct or indirect import of raw materials from Malaysia, Indonesia, the annual purchase of about 700,000 tons. While imports of oil exports to Vietnam also a small portion of soybean meal have been exported since 2014, more than 20 million tons.
As China's rail transportation equipment manufacturing industry leader, China CNR this month announced that intends to invest $ 500,000 to set up in Malaysia CNR (Malaysia) Corporation. The new rail vehicles operating range of technical services, technical consulting, project planning, project services; rail vehicles and vehicle spare parts procurement, sales, and service.
IT sector, China Mobile announced June 9 at a price of 5.5 billion yuan of shares of Thai telecom operators True Corporation PCL, as the group's second-largest shareholder, China Mobile will be in technology and network construction, purchasing shares, market development and many other areas of cooperation. In addition, there are foreign media said that China Mobile will put 3.7 billion dollars stake in Malaysia's largest operator, is currently China Mobile, the message has not been certified.
Resources, the China Minmetals Group in 2009 due to the acquisition of Australian mining company OZ owned Sepon copper and gold mine located in Laos, Laos Lancang and holds 90% of the gold mining company owned shares. Reporters from the company was informed by the relevant person in charge of the project in 2010 the contribution to GDP of up to 7 percent in Laos, 2013 Sepon project received copper production of 8.5 million tons, revenues amounted to $ 746 million.
China Nonferrous Metal Mining Group, Luo Tao, deputy general manager in July has publicly said that it will increase investment in ASEAN countries. It is reported that the company invest in the China-Burma Myanmar Dagon Hill nickel mine is the largest mining cooperation projects between the two countries, the Chinese investment over 850 million U.S. dollars. Luo Tao believes that the development of ASEAN countries' prospects and great potential. "
In the creative design field, as early as April 2012, as China Architectural Design and Research Institute of central enterprises, once the acquisition has a 180 year history of international modern enterprise - Singapore CPG Group, to become China's first cross-border survey and design industry Group companies. Reporters recently learned from the hospital, since the acquisition of its total assets in 2013 reached 7.4 billion yuan, representing an increase of 15 times in 2000.
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