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Sources said state-owned postponed to next year reform program introduced by the central deep restru

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August 18, Guangdong Province issued "to deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises opinions", became the first local version of the introduction of 20 state-owned reform program provinces. So far, more than half of the provinces of State-owned reform roadmap delineated.

On the same day, the fourth meeting of the Central Leading Group comprehensively deepen reforms considered "the main person responsible for the central management of enterprises pay system reform program" and "reasonably determined and strict norms on the central business executives to perform their duties treatment advice business spending." This is the first paper on the reform of state-owned central deep reform group's deliberations.

In fact, the eighth session of the Third Plenary resolution on the reform of state-owned assets has no top-level design and system solutions, just mention the mixed ownership and management of state-owned enterprises classification, classification reform. At present, the reform of state-owned assets outside the country looking version of the program released as soon as possible.

Die Zeit reporter from the SAC [microblogging] officials at a number of State Department was informed by the SASAC [microblogging] prepared by the Centre for Restructuring the Economy, originally scheduled for September this year introduced a programmatic state owned enterprise reform program - "to deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises guidance "and" Guiding opinions on Improving the form of public ownership ", this year will not be released, the SASAC internal latest caliber was" postponed to next year by the introduction of a central group of deep change. "

Program still need to modify

SAC internal reform of state owned national version of the program delayed the introduction of the reasons why there are a lot of content for "still need to modify." As for when introduced, the SASAC official said the current interior still not clearly determined.

Target new round of SOE reform, early in the eighteenth Third Plenary Session of the establishment: "Twelve Five" period of state-owned central enterprises will be turned over to the proportion of capital gains further increase 5 percentage points, to the 2020 state capital gains will be turned over to the proportion of public finances up to 30%.

SASAC and the Ministry of Finance data show that in 2013 the total profit of 2.6 trillion yuan of state-owned enterprises, is roughly one-fifth of revenue. According to the SASAC internal estimates, if the smooth progress of reform of state assets, state-owned enterprises to profit in 2020 more than 3.5 trillion yuan, profit remittances will reach 1 trillion yuan; then China's population of about 1.41 billion, Tandao indirect share per year bonus for 750 yuan.

The reform of state-owned national version of the program is to ensure the realization of these goals. Informed sources said that the central government clearly requires the SASAC, the reform can not be a mere formality as the previous release some alone monitoring system, the formulation of a number of documents, held several meetings, balancing the interests of all parties to muddle through, but must take out effective measures to improve owned Assets Supervision system, strengthen supervision responsibilities. For example, when the state-owned policy mistakes how accountable, how accountable corporate management when there is a loophole.

Recalling the past experience, with the deepening of the reform of state-owned enterprises, the country will set off a wave of restructuring of state assets, followed by abuse of power and the loss of state assets under the guise of reform, such as the name of ills, these plans need to be set in advance.

Obviously, this government high demand, increasing the difficulty of reform of the state-owned national version of the program design. Currently, the experience of the pilot reform of samples has not been summed up; while basic data required for many decisions, and to co-operate with a number of ministries, the Ministry of Industry, Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, China Banking Regulatory Commission and other Mocha can be achieved.

"These efforts will take time to carry out, however, the SAC previously announced 'one policy, the mature one, promoting a' principle will not change." A SASAC official said.

SAC in cooperation with the ministries already started. July 28, the Ministry of Finance announced the first SASAC supervision of 113 central enterprises, the central departments of the state-owned and state-owned holding enterprises, the Ministry of Finance regulation of China Railway Corporation, China Post Group and the China National Tobacco Corporation and other economic data thoroughly .

This indicates that China is gradually establishing objective information disclosure data publicly owned capital reporting system, the central enterprises the main financial indicators, the overall operation, are also in the implementation. SASAC officials interviewed in one opinion, this is state owned enterprise reform "basic."

For reform central deep change teams this time the launch of central enterprises pay, many observers have commented that the whole complex of state owned enterprise reform, the central rate of pay reform affecting the interests of a relatively small minority, most likely to advance, so it is arranged to take the lead implemented.

The basic theory of the top-level design follows the reform of state assets has long been in the SAC internal consensus. Huang Shuhe, deputy SAC SAC had an internal meeting that will focus on deepening the reform of state-owned assets to seize two key areas, namely to accelerate the reform of state-owned enterprises diversified equity and actively develop the mixed ownership economy; Second, deepen state-owned enterprise management system reform, improve and perfect the modern enterprise system.

SASAC official told Die Zeit reporter emphasized that the future reform of State-owned rational distribution persist, never blindly "owned", "should have their own state-owned China-owned retreat"; to 2020, according to the state-owned capital to strategic industry and general industry classification layout, on the whole from the current "Panax open" to "seventy-three open."

"Reform SASAC"

Eighteen Third Plenary Session of the direction of state-owned assets resolutions proposed reforms, including tubes capital, mixed ownership and category management. According to executive vice president of the Graduate School of China University of Political Li Shuguang evaluation, management of capital, the establishment of investment companies, holding companies and operating companies, before the eighth session of the Third Plenary had agreed; mixed ownership and category management, classification reform, is breakthrough.

But more than these two breakthroughs, also faces several key issues need top-level design gives a clear view.

First, the "mixed ownership" Who led? Which industries can be mixed, which the industry can not mix? Where is the red line at stake?

Secondly, in the present classification standards across a wide variety of state-owned enterprises, there are divided into two categories, categories, and so on, not the system. Eighteen Third Plenary Session of the resolution, there is one "of the welfare state-owned enterprises to increase investment capital," but in fact nonprofit enterprise is a very vague concept, eighteen Third Plenary Session of the resolution did not write clearly.

Li Shuguang interview said that now the SOE reform chaos chaos in the absence of top-level design, one to the operation, the reform back to the source of the problem - how to reform state-owned assets management system, and how SASAC reforms. This is the focus of reform, difficulty focusing, not bypass.

Currently, for the state-owned assets management theorists propose two solutions, a straight pipe made ​​by the NPC, one by the government to manage. SAC model is now the latter. Under the asset size is relatively small, and the implementation of a thorough market economy, the government management model is feasible, such a small country such as Singapore's Temasek model practiced.

The problem is that China's government is too big, too many public affairs, too many public assets, it is facing great challenges. Therefore, some experts suggest, a huge state-owned assets should be included under the supervision of the people, by the National People's Congress established the SASAC directly manage state-owned assets. But Li Shuguang admits it relates to the reform of the top-level system, it may be premature at present.

     The most positive signal the release of a new round of reform is "let the market play a decisive role in allocating resources." SASAC official told Die Zeit, told reporters that both the mixed ownership, or from pipe to pipe capital asset conversion methodology, or to improve the modern enterprise system to reiterate that SOE reform aimed at establishing a market have the final say, the capital, said the count, the mechanism of the board of directors have the final say, so that state-owned enterprises to become true market players and economic organizations in the true sense.

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