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Tax reform is expected to be staged next year to speed up the legislative highlight of real estate t

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Accept the China Securities Journal reporter interviewed experts said tax reform some of the " key" is expected to be staged next year , including the reform of fiscal and tax reform -related short-term and long-term system expansion and deepening of Wai . Among them, the relationship between central and local tax adjustment will be a focus on building local tax system will be significantly accelerated.
Camp changed augmentations Wai and acceleration feed consumption tax reform

Experts believe that in our current tax system , the high proportion of indirect tax is one of the most prominent problems. Whether it is from gradually increase the proportion of direct taxes , promote social equity , or from optimizing the economic structure , play a role in regulating the tax perspective , indirect tax reform gradually strengthen the trend for some time in the future will be presented .

Next year , the business continues to expand around the pilot changed to increase suspense no longer . From January 1 next year , rail transport and postal services will be included in " Camp changed to increase " pilot . So far , transportation will all be included in the " Camp changed to increase " pilot. However, unlike the previous market-related communications, transportation and construction full implementation of " Camp changed to increase ," the pilot still far from the expected . Vice Finance Minister Wang Baoan recently wrote that "five " period, real estate and financial sectors will be included in " Camp changed to increase " sequence , and gradually incorporate the real scope of VAT deduction .

On whether the financial industry next year will be included in " Camp changed to increase " the scope of the pilot , the relevant parties is not uniform opinion . Former deputy director of the State Administration of Taxation, Xu Shanda believes that the financial sector pilot " Camp changed to increase ," there are still difficult, so the pace will be relatively delayed. "' Camp changed to increase ' for businesses actually reduce taxes. Currently remains unfulfilled market deposit rates , deposit interest rate differential is still very great as now implemented ' camp changed to increase ' pilot , will further push up banks' profits ." At present , China's financial industry, such as the implementation of " camp changed to increase ", which offset the operation may be very complex and difficult to individually determine the financial services industry " value added ."

According to estimates , if 10,000 yuan in the bank , the bank at 3 % per annum interest payments , the bank will not necessarily be the same as in the same period by a certain amount of 6% per annum for instance lend lender. In practice, the bank and the borrower to provide services arising from depositors 3% interest rate , can not be classified as a transaction by transaction value added .

In terms of consumption tax reform , high energy consumption , high pollution products and some luxury goods will be included in the scope of charge . Finance Minister Lou Jiwei had said some of the high energy consumption , high pollution products and some high-end consumer products into the scope of taxation , adjusted levy links, facilitate the resolution of redundant construction and overcapacity problems , efforts to improve the quality of economic development. Construction is expected to speed up the local tax system

Insiders suggested that the need to bring attention to tax reform a central place game problems, accelerated construction of the local tax system .

Experts believe that the existing tax system , the " Camp changed to increase ," the pilot meant to comprehensively promote the local sales tax will be greatly affected by major tax , VAT paid most of the central government will further affect local taxes . At the current tax system , in addition to individual departments by the local sales tax revenue all , the VAT rate of 25% : 75% ratio of belonging to local and central . Data show that in 2011 the sum of value added tax and business tax accounted for 42.5 % of total revenue.

President of China Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Finance Strategic Aim believes that " Camp changed to increase " the surface is merging the two taxes , but the actual tax reform will Forced supporting and promoting the establishment of a new local tax system .

Director of the Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law and Taxation Law Shizheng Wen said, " Camp changed to increase " the place to stabilize the financial resources , can not be totally dependent on the central government , but the need to establish a number of independent tax enhance local fiscal autonomy .

Consumption tax levied on the link, Xu Shanda proposal to levy consumption tax to levy from the production chain from consumer segments , such as the expansion of the local tax sources and curb blind investment behavior. The consumption tax after the transfer of the main taxes under local taxes to help solve the problem of Main Local Taxes .

Aim believes that spending is linked to the collection and local interests , local tax collection will be further strengthened on . " Production processes are often uneven distribution of tax revenue sources , but as levied in retail , which is the local consumption , which local taxes, on the distribution of the tax sources ."

In the real estate tax, customs fees related legislation and tax legislation is expected to accelerate the work , is expected to become an important part of the local tax system . Experts believe that China's real estate market has obvious regional , north of Guangzhou and other places prices high, but some second and third tier cities in the real estate market has an oversupply situation. Therefore, future property tax levy to local conditions, considering regional differences , to relatively large autonomy to local governments to make decisions based on local circumstances.

In the resource tax reform, sources, coal ad valorem time is ripe , the financial sector has been included in the recent work plan. Ad valorem for phosphate rock in the financial sector reforms to the country under consideration .

Environmental tax reform will be further promoted. Currently, relevant departments have existing environmental taxes on pollution charges to the agenda , will be considering the existing sewage charges fees, actual treatment cost factors , environmental damage and other costs and charges to determine the actual tax rate .

Matching powers to further promote financial authority

Improve the local tax system is undoubtedly of great significance to improve the central and local financial resources and powers to match mechanism. Jia Kang , director of the Institute of Fiscal Science, said the division of powers is the financial power and financial resources allocation and transfer payments premise system. In the framework of the reform of the financial hierarchy flattening , powers , that reflects the spending of government functions and the division of responsibilities reasonable definition , is to deepen fiscal reforms originating link.

Professor, Department of Economics, National School of Administration , said Feng Qiao Bin , new urbanization development inevitably requires fiscal reforms forward, speed up tax reform , local government powers and financial authority to allow matches to solve financial problems of urbanization a big key . "In the process of implementing new urbanization , local governments face transaction doubled, new functions are increasing, but stable , institutional access to enough diversified financial capital of the channel ."

Experts believe that the establishment of property rights and powers to match the financial system involves allocation of central and local interests , how to divide there are still differences. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Finance Financial Research Institute for Strategic Studies , said deputy director Wang Dehua , the allocation of powers in property rights , the needs of different provinces and relatively large differences in opinion , but only in the central division of unified perspective .

Lou Jiwei noted that robust central and local financial resources and powers to match the financial system , to moderate strengthening of the central powers , national defense , foreign affairs, national security and other significant matters to a central ; Besides the common range of clear central and local powers and a clear regional public services for local powers .

In addition to clarify the powers of the central and local revenues to further rationalize the relationship is the proper meaning. Currently clear is that the cyclical fluctuations of income , with a strong redistributive effect, the uneven distribution of the tax base , the tax base greater mobility , easy to pass the taxes will be designated as the central taxes, or more central into proportion ; the rest has clearly benefited , regional characteristics of the macroeconomic not have a direct significant impact on taxes will be designated as local taxes.

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