Financial News

2016 the world's ten major risks: China third

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U.S. stocks Sina News Beijing time 5, the Nikkei reported that Chinese network, January 4, political risk consulting firm Eurasia Group (36.280, -1.02, - 2.73%) (Eurasia Group) released 2016 global "risk". First is "empty alliance", that is across the Atlantic (8.460, 0.11, 1.32%) of alliance between the U.S. and Europe tends to weaken, the global security system may appear cracks. Second is "closed" in Europe, we strengthen set up the Asian infrastructure investment bank (aiib), the influence of China is listed as the three.
Eurasia Group by international political scientist Ian Bremmer Ian Bremmer) served as president, published annually global risk prediction, deeply concerned about the market stakeholders. 2015 has pointed out that European politics is the world's biggest risk. In fact, in 2015 the European political instability, the Greek debt crisis, Paris terrorist attack and immigration.
2016 Europe continues to be predicted as the risk of the fuse. Eurasia Group pointed out that "due to the weakening of the U.S. unilateralism and Europe, (former) alliance will damage". European Union diverged in response to the crisis in Ukraine and Syria, and Britain and China, France and Russia, Germany and Turkey relationship may further.
Out of the extreme organization of the Islamic state (IS) fear, the closure of European countries increased. Eurasian Group speculated that no border inspection can be across the 26 countries of the European Agreement will collapse.

Eurasia Group for is expressed concern that said "will be across Iraq and Syria expanded its influence, the threat of new terrorist attacks will continue to rise". In addition, the Eurasia Group also pointed out that the political discourse in 2016 IT people will be enhanced, which impact on national policy.

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