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China's first quarter GDP growth of 6.7% residents income increased by 6.5%

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A good start to the national economy in the first quarter
National Bureau of statistics of the people's Republic of China
Since the beginning of this year, facing the intricate international situation and continued downward pressure on the larger economy, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the joint efforts to adapt to grasp and lead the economic development of the new normal, scientific co-ordination steady growth, structural adjustment, improve people's livelihood, wind insurance, in moderate expansion of aggregate demand at the same time, and vigorously promote the supply side structural reform, economic operation continues the development trend of steady progress, further promote structural adjustment, emerging kinetic energy to accelerate the accumulation and some of the key indicators appear positive changes, and start to the national economy.
Preliminary accounting, a quarter of the gross domestic product of 158526 yuan, according to comparable prices, an increase of 6.7%. Sub industries, the first industry added value of 880 billion 300 million yuan, an increase of 2.9%; second industrial added value of 59510 yuan, an increase of 5.8%; third industrial added value of 90214 yuan, an increase of 7.6%. In 2015 price calculation, the first quarter of this year, GDP incremental to 985 billion 100 million yuan, compared with the same period last year increased by 22 billion 200 million yuan.
I. the situation of agricultural production is stable
According to the national survey of more than 11 farmers planting intentions show that in 2016 the country's rice planting acreage increased by 0.3%, wheat increased by 0.4%, corn decreased by 0.9%, cotton fell by 18.8%. A quarter of livestock and poultry production 22 million 440 thousand tons, down 3.1%, of which pork production 14 million 660 thousand tons, down 5.9%.
Two, industrial production is slow in stabilization
In the first quarter, the national scale industrial added value increased by 5.8% over the same period, the growth rate fell 0.3 percentage points over the previous year, 0.4 percentage points faster than this year 1-2 months. Sub economic type, the state-owned holding enterprises increased by 0.1%, collective enterprises increased by 2.4%, the joint-stock enterprises increased by 7.2%, foreign and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan investment enterprises increased by 3.3%. In three categories, the mining industry added value increased by 2.1%, manufacturing growth of 6.5%, electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply growth of 2.6%. Industry continues to move towards the high-end. A quarter of high-tech industries and equipment manufacturing industry added value, respectively, an increase of 9.2% and 7.5%, respectively, higher than the growth of above scale industrial fast 3.4 and 1.7 percentage points, accounting for above scale industrial added value accounted for 12.1% and 32.4%, than last year increase over the same period 1.1 and 1.7 percentage points. A quarter of Industrial Enterprises above the scale of production and marketing rate reached 97.3%. Export delivery value of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size 25439 yuan, down 3%. March, above scale industrial added value increased by 6.8%, growth of 0.64%.
1-2 months, the national scale industrial enterprises realized a total profit of 780 billion 700 million yuan, an increase of 4.8%. Above scale industrial enterprises in the main business income of every one hundred yuan cost of 85.26 yuan, the main business income margin was 5.12%.
Three, fixed asset investment growth steady rise
In the first quarter, the investment in fixed assets (excluding rural households) 85843 billion yuan, representing a nominal growth of 10.7% (after deducting price factors, the actual growth of 13.8%), increased than that in the previous year annual accelerate 0.7 percentage points, up 0.5 percentage points higher than in January and February of this year. Among them, the state-owned holding investment 29120 yuan, an increase of 23.3%; private investment 53197 yuan, an increase of 5.7%, accounting for the proportion of total investment of 62%. Sub industry, the first industrial investment 194 billion 900 million yuan, an increase of second; 33664 industrial investment 7.3% yuan, an increase of third; 50230 industrial investment 25.5% yuan, an increase of 12.6%. From the funds in place, in the first quarter of the funds 109250 yuan, an increase of 6.4%. Among them, the national budget funds increased by 16.9%, domestic loans increased by 13.9%, self financing decreased by 0.2%, the use of foreign investment fell by 25.6%. A quarter of new projects planned total investment of 81403 yuan, an increase of 39.5%. From the chain perspective, March fixed asset investment (excluding farmers) growth of 0.86%.
A quarter of the national real estate development investment 17677 yuan, an increase of 6.2% (after deducting price factors, the actual growth of 9.1%), the growth rate increased by 5.2 percentage points over the previous year, 3.2 percentage points higher than 1-2 months. Among them, the residential investment growth of 4.6%. Housing new construction area of 282 million 810 thousand square meters, an increase of 19.2%, of which the residential new construction area increased by 14.8%. National commercial housing sales area of 242 million 990 thousand square meters, an increase of 33.1%, of which the residential sales area increased by 35.6%. National commercial housing sales 18524 yuan, an increase of 54.1%, of which residential sales growth of 60.3%. Real estate development enterprises land acquisition area of 35 million 770 thousand square meters, down 11.7%. At the end of 3, the national commercial housing sale area of 735 million 160 thousand square meters, an increase of 13.1%. A quarter of real estate development enterprise funds 31992 yuan, an increase of 14.7%.

Four, the steady growth of market sales
A quarter, the total retail sales of social consumer goods 78024 billion yuan, representing a nominal increase of 10.3% (after deducting price factors, the actual growth of 9.7%), the annual growth down 0.4 percentage points higher than the previous year, up 0.1 percentage points higher than in January and February of this year. Among them, the amount of retail sales of units above the limit of 34625 yuan, up 8%. According to the location of the business unit, urban retail sales of consumer goods 66920 yuan, an increase of 10.2%, rural consumer goods retail sales of 11105 yuan, an increase of 11%. By consumption type, food and beverage revenue 830 billion 200 million yuan, an increase of 11.3%, retail sales of 69722 yuan, an increase of 10.2%, of which more than 32579 units of retail sales of yuan, an increase of 8%. March, the total retail sales of social consumer goods grew by 10.5% (excluding the actual growth of 9.7%), growth of 0.85%.
In the first quarter, the national online retail sales of 10251 yuan, an increase of 27.8%. Among them, the real goods online retail sales of 824 billion 100 million yuan, an increase of 25.9%, accounting for the proportion of total retail sales of social consumer goods 10.6%.
Five, total import and export decline
In the first quarter, total import and export volume of 52144 yuan, down 5.9%. Among them, the export of 30123 yuan, down 4.2%; imports of 22021 yuan, down 8.2%. Import and export surplus of 810 billion 200 million yuan. March, total imports and exports 19056 yuan, an increase of 8.6%. Among them, the export of 10501 yuan, up 18.7%; imports 855 billion 500 million yuan, down 1.7%.
Six, consumer prices rose moderately
In the first quarter, consumer prices rose 2.1% year on year. Among them, the city rose 2%, 2.1% in rural areas rose. Categories, tobacco and food prices rose 5.1 percent, clothing rose 1.7 percent, housing rose 1.3%, household goods and services rose 0.4%, transport and communications dropped 2.0 percent, entertainment, education and culture rose 1.3 percent, health care rose 2.9%, other goods and services rose 0.6%. In the tobacco and food prices, food prices rose 0.6%, pork prices rose 24.1%, fresh vegetable prices rose 27.3%. March, consumer prices rose 2.3%, a decline of 0.4%. In the first quarter, industrial producer prices fell 4.8%, down 4.3% in March, up 0.5%. In the first quarter, industrial producer prices fell 5.8%, down 5.2% in March, up 0.3%.
Seven, the income growth of residents
A quarter of the national per capita disposable income of 6619 yuan, an increase of 8.7% nominal, after deducting price factors, the actual growth of 6.5%. According to the resident, urban residents per capita disposable income 9255 yuan, an increase of 8.0%, after deducting price factors, the actual growth of 5.8%; rural residents per capita disposable income of 3578 yuan, an increase of 9.1%, net of price factors, the actual growth of 7.0%. Urban and rural residents per capita income difference of 2.59, down 0.02 over the same period last year. National per capita disposable income of 5670 yuan, an increase of 8.7% nominal. At the end of 2, the total number of rural migrant workers 167 million 990 thousand people, an increase of 4 million 680 thousand over the same period last year, an increase of 2.9%. Migrant workers monthly income of 3273 yuan, an increase of 9.1%.
Eight, the pace of structural adjustment to speed up
Continued optimization of industrial structure. A quarter of the third industry added value accounted for the proportion of GDP was 56.9%, compared with the same period last year increased by 2 percentage points higher than the second industry 19.4 percentage points. Regional structure coordination. In the western region above scale industrial added value, respectively, an increase of 7.3% and 7.0%, respectively, fast in the eastern part of 0.7 and 1.0 percentage points;, western region of fixed assets investment (excluding rural households), respectively, an increase of 13.3% and 13.2%, respectively, fast in the eastern area of 2.3 and 2.2 percent points. Energy saving and consumption continue to make new progress. In the first quarter, energy consumption per unit of GDP fell by 5.3%.
Overall, under the comprehensive function of the Party Central Committee and the State Council a series of policies and measures, one quarter of the national economy has got off to a good start, some of the key indicators appear positive changes, the trend of steady progress. But we must see that China is in a critical stage of transformation and upgrading, kinetic energy conversion, structural adjustment pains are still ongoing, downward pressure can not be ignored. Next step, in accordance with the central economic work conference decision to deploy in the government work report and overall arrangement, firmly establish innovation, coordination, green, open, sharing five development concept, adhere to macroeconomic policies stable, industrial policy and microeconomic policies to live, the reform policy to be real, social policy underpinning the overall train of thought, to speed up the development of the new energy, increase supply side structural reform efforts, continue to expand effective demand, actively to the release of the dividend policy, efforts to consolidate the positive changes, ensure economic operation in a reasonable range, maintain high-speed growth, towards high-end level, to achieve "45" economic and social development got off to a good start.

note appended
(1) to further promote China's quarter gross domestic product (GDP) accounting and international standards, National Bureau of statistics from the third quarter of 2015 implementation of quarterly GDP accounting reform, the quarterly pattern of GDP data, and published relevant accounting results.
(2) GDP, above scale industrial added value growth rate of the project and its classification are calculated at comparable prices, the actual growth rate; other indicators except the special instructions, calculated at the current price, nominal growth rate.
(3) Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size for the annual main business income of 20 million yuan and above.
(4) statistics of the total retail sales of social consumer goods in the ceiling above the unit is the main business income of 20 million yuan and above the wholesale enterprises (units), 500 million yuan and above the retail enterprises (units), 200 million yuan and above the accommodation and catering enterprises (unit).
Online retail sales refers to the sum of the retail sales of goods and services through the public network trading platform (including the self built website and the third party platform). Goods and services including physical and non physical goods (such as virtual goods, services, goods, etc.).
Total retail sales of social consumer goods, including physical commodity online retail sales, does not include non physical goods online retail sales.
(5) the median per capita disposable income of the residents of the whole country refers to the per capita disposable income of households which will be in the most central position, according to the order of per capita disposable income level from low to high.
(6) migrant workers is the survey point to the household registration in rural areas outside the area of rural labor.
(7) the regional data is divided into East, middle, West and northeast regions.
(8) import and export data from the General Administration of customs.
(9) part of the data due to the reasons for the five four homes, there is a total of the total and sub items ranging from the situation.

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