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Central Rural Work Conference will be held later this month to promote the land transfer

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Zhengbao information from authoritative sources that the Central Rural Work Conference will be held this month, the core of this meeting is about the implementation of the Third Plenary Session of the strategic plan to deepen rural reform agriculture . Special zhengbao information on hot issues of concern to the market , go to the relevant ministries to understand the situation , in order for investors.
Steady push into rural land

On the one hand the steady flow of innovative ways to promote the pilot land contract and management rights to expand the scope of the right to transfer , mortgage , etc., carefully and steadily push forward Residential Land , with urbanization. On the other hand speed up land ownership , the gradual introduction of collateral, guarantees and other power operability rules, to ensure that the work of the Agricultural Land "robust ", but some " breakthrough ."

Prominent role in ecological protection cornerstone red

Delineation of ecological protection red , implementing the compensation and ordered the use of systems and ecological compensation mechanism , establish a complete system of civilization, a system of ecological systems , including the new cadre performance assessment indicators. Next year will be gradually introduced on resource taxation system of ecological civilization evaluation system , resource tax, environmental taxes , as well as carbon emissions , such as water rights trading system , systematically build ecological civilization system.

Construction of new agricultural management system focus

First, through the introduction of relevant loans, taxes, subsidies , insurance ( rest assured Paul ) and other concessions initiatives to cultivate new agricultural professional large business entities , family farms , cooperatives and agricultural enterprises , agricultural land in order to promote large-scale centralized . The second is the development of various forms of large-scale agricultural operations and social services, including the establishment of agricultural products ( 8.36 , -0.13 , -1.53 ​​% ) market and large logistics parks circulation system of agricultural and professional service organizations . And thus ensure the effective supply of agricultural products and promote sustainable increase farmers' income .

Strengthen water conservancy construction aid agricultural production efficiency

Compared to previous years, greater efforts to emphasize the role of water conservancy construction of basic support for agricultural development and transformation , the 9th release of " national high standard farmland construction master plan " to further improve the utilization efficiency of agricultural land and water resources , is intended for the next step create the conditions of the land transfer . Currently , municipalities are urging full of water conservancy construction funds in place in time to prepare for the winter and spring of water conservancy construction .

Central Rural Work Conference will be held this month, agencies generally agreed that agro-industry is facing new opportunities , from the point of view of information currently available , with a lot of land , agricultural or related ecological agriculture , as well as benefit from the large-scale upgrade of the seed industry , feed, animal health companies , worthy of attention.

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