Financial News

Use the fujian association of foreign languages and funds continue to maintain steady growth in the

Word:[Big][Middle][Small] Mobile page qrcode 2018/4/24     Viewed:    

    Provincial development and reform commission (NDRC) recently released November 1 ~ 2016 the province using money outside the province, the province's one hundred million yuan of above 5354, fujian association of foreign languages and investment projects under construction, the actual investment of 926.36 billion yuan, an increase of 10.4%

    It is understood that since the second half of last year to use of stable money into outside the province. Since July, actually there is always stay in place during the month in our province in 80 billion yuan of above, more than $one hundred billion of yuan, nearly three months into the situation in present steady.

    Secundiparity proportion increased. 1 ~ in November 2016, the province's one hundred million yuan of above three times using capital projects outside the province industry actual investment 42.8 billion yuan, 569.89 billion yuan and 569.89 billion yuan respectively, accounted for, respectively, 4.6%, 61.5%, 33.9%. More than that, wan jiang demonstration zone construction project of one hundred million yuan of above 3578, the actual investment of 609.13 billion yuan, up 10% from a year earlier, which accounts for 65.8% of the province.

    In addition, the track scheduling at the provincial level key investment project progress, 1 ~ in November last year project progress smoothly, domestic 75 projects, completed annual investment of 43.833 billion yuan, the annual 38.832 billion yuan plan task ahead of schedule, completed tasks 112.9% annual plan. 25 foreign investment projects, 1 ~ November completed investment of 13.206 billion yuan, in place more in hefei city has 6.055 billion yuan of funds, maanshan 1.753 billion yuan, wuhu 1.617 billion yuan, 1.609 billion yuan of chuzhou.

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