Financial News

Australian police warned Chinese tourists alert to new type of credit card fraud

Word:[Big][Middle][Small] QR Code 2018/4/24     Viewed:    

      Australia recently appeared a kind of new methods of credit card fraud, including use of tencent WeChat platform now, Australian police remind the Chinese tourists to Macao tourism and Chinese students in Australia to guard against risks.
      According to the police, the fraud group with a stolen credit card information on the Internet to reserve Australia attractions tickets, then through WeChat male number at a low price to sell the tickets, and ticket taking cash income.But when victims reach attractions tickets, scenic spots will be detected by stolen credit card to buy the tickets and cancel it, victims therefore inaccessible spots, lost money.
      New south wales, fraud and network crime, head of the special team matt kraft told the xinhua news agency reporters in an interview, online operation of criminal groups will fraud aim at overseas tourists, most of them are Chinese.The fraud and number of scalping tickets for Sydney and Melbourne hot spots, such as zoos, aquariums, and the Sydney harbour bridge, and so on.
      Kraft said: "for consumers, if the price is low to unbelievable, there may be a scam. If anyone with a $50 price sell tickets for a $200 off the harbour bridge, that is about to be careful, this is likely to be a trap."
      It is reported, for this fraud, some Australian businesses and financial institutions have begun to take more effective countermeasures.When criminals stealing credit card transactions, for example, can more quickly to inform the scenic spot.
      Here, analysts say, the rapid growth of mobile payment platform is increasingly use, fraud way so the emergence of new varieties.To this, relevant departments and enterprises should consider measures to prevent serious study, to protect the interests of the consumers.

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