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Us time magazine's latest cover: four Chinese characters "China wins"

Word:[Big][Middle][Small] Mobile page qrcode 2018/4/24     Viewed:    

      U.S. President Donald trump has begun his trip to Asia, and he will visit China as President for the first time on November 8.In the United States, however, John kelly, the White House chief of staff, admitted in an interview with fox news that "China is a great power...As China's government system applies to serving the Chinese people, time magazine has also begun to look squarely at China's rise -- albeit a bit reluctant.

      The United States "time" magazine recently published the latest issue (November 13), the cover of the magazine in addition to native American edition, magazine covers are written both in Chinese and English two languages "Won the" China (China Won).According to cover writer Ian bremmer, this is the first time the cover of time has appeared in two languages.In his article, "how the Chinese economy wins the future", author bremmer notes that China is now the most powerful country in the global economy, while the United States is second.

      The President of the United States is open trump his trip to Asia, but the United States in the latest issue of time magazine is the cover of the bilingual Chinese and English with "Won the" China (China) Won the Chinese characters, and on the inside pages published "China's economy is how to win the future", the author at the brookings's (Ian Bremmer) is the United States, a political scientist, political risk consulting firm Eurasia Group (Group), founder and President, contributing editor of time magazine and CNN, BBC, fox news and other western media.

      Author emphasized in the article, China is the trump one of the most important station in the trip to Asia, but in at the moment, China, not America, has become the only country to have the most powerful in the global economy.

      The question of the past is now strong

      China's political system has been repeatedly questioned by the west.Just five years ago, the west agreed that one day China needed fundamental political reforms to preserve its legitimacy.But today, China's political and economic system is even more complete and sustainable than the United States that dominated international order after world war ii.

      While the United States remains the world's largest economy, China is using state-owned enterprises to boost domestic and foreign influence and steadily overtake the United States.

      Instead, America is on the decline.Although the dollar's privilege as a global reserve currency is likely to continue for years.But the pillars of American power -- America's military alliance, its trade leadership and its willingness to promote western political values -- are disappearing.

      The author said, Russia, India, Turkey and other countries now leaders follow the footsteps of China and the government on the one hand, embrace business, on the one hand, strengthen political concentration, economic competitiveness and information control force.This process has been going on for years, and it has kept the us and China from growing.Europeans and americans are convinced that the long arc of human development will turn to liberal democracy, but they may be wrong.

      Job creation and protection

      In terms of job creation, the authors argue that it is much easier to create and protect jobs in China than in the United States.In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, barack Obama's presidency was fraught with contradictions, creating jobs and rescuing industries.

      In China, the government provides direct financial and political support for strategic industries.The government provides direct funds to the strategic sector and makes laws specifically to help these industries grow.This kind of government protection is especially important in an era of rapid technological change and a great age.

      Automation has overturned the labor force structure of developed countries, according to a study from the ball state university in 2015, during the period of 2000 to 2010, 87.8% of the loss of manufacturing jobs is due to the automation and technology improvement.In the developing world, technological change is squeezing hundreds of millions of workers, many of them just out of poverty.But the Chinese government can better manage the economy and cushion the social impact of technological change.

      Establish "integrity system" to help stabilize society

      The authors argue that employment and industry are not the only way for China's leaders to lead the country, and that the way Chinese leaders use technology in governing governance is something western governments cannot do.

      The author refers to the "social credit system" that China is developing.The system allows the government to through personal financial data, social relations, consumption habits and respect the law, to assess the degree of "good faith" of citizens, which is beneficial to prevent "severely disrupt social management order, or harm the interests of national defense behavior", make citizens abide by the social order, let the "promise keepers get around the world, the paper hare".In the west, the authors argue, the government can't do it.

      Ambition in artificial intelligence

      Artificial intelligence is a 21st-century space race, and it will have a more direct impact on people's lives.The authors argue that breakthroughs in artificial intelligence will require the same amount of investment and planning as planned in Manhattan or on the moon.But the us government has no longer the strong political will to invest in artificial intelligence in the emerging world, and instead has outsourced technological innovation to silicon valley.While silicon valley companies have an edge in multi-sector innovation, China is more likely to win in artificial intelligence from the depth of pursuit and financial strength of a single goal.It is now certain that the American government, which represents democracy and free market capitalism, has become an outsider to the contest.

      Take center stage on the world stage

      "Time" magazine, of course, as always, to "talk down" China, in addition to the usual "authoritarian society" imagine, there are worries about the economy, "China's local governments and enterprises in debt, the country 'rescue' strength is not infinite.While China continues to invest in new technologies, automation and machine learning will take the place of large Numbers of Chinese workers over time, burying the hidden dangers of social unrest.

      However, in the conclusion of the article, Mr. Bremmer argues that China may still have weaknesses, but in the foreseeable future, China will likely remain strong and stable.China's international influence will continue to grow and be ambitious, and will take center stage on the world stage.

      Once prosperous America is now weak and gunshot, and Europe is Mired in refugee and terrorist attacks.In this fragmented world, the author concludes, no government has enough international influence to continue the political and economic rules governing the global system.But if you have to bet on one of the most dominant countries in the world today, China will be a smarter choice than America.The cover story of time magazine ends this way.

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