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Report said China's immigration appeal more than America and Japan in third

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China and globalization (CCG), a think-tank, issued the Chinese international migration report (2015), said the "most attract expatriates live in countries or regions" rankings, China's overall ranking third, behind Switzerland and Singapore, than the United States, Japan, France and Britain and other developed countries. Chasing the "China dream" in China has become a new trend of international migration, suggested that China establish a immigration.

China is a country of Asia's most popular with foreigners

According to the report, in a survey of foreign nationality personage, China in economic status indicators (including income, wealth and disposable income, etc.) ranked first; In a survey of local economic satisfaction, the top five in China. The survey found that from the point of salary income, Asia is one of the most popular among foreigners, while China is the most popular with expatriates in Asia countries. Chinese expatriates to 29% chance of making more than $250000, is a global average of 7% more than four times.

Huiyao wang, director of the CCG weibo said, China is started, the agglomeration and multinational companies in China, there are a lot of investment, attracted a large number of foreign nationals (experts) has a lot to do. In the past for a period of time, the state issued the "one thousand plan", at the same time issued more green card and visa. "I personally think as' 10 years multiple entry visa policy open to beauty, and the number of people to Chinese immigrants in the future there will be more growth."

The United States to the attraction of the Chinese immigrants weakened gradually

, on the other hand, as China's overseas immigrants preferred countries, the United States to the attraction of the Chinese immigrants weakened gradually, the number to obtain permanent residency in the United States in China for two consecutive years of decline, decline for two consecutive years to maintain at around 10%.

"To build internationally competitive talent immigration system in China, to develop good international migration dividends." Huiyao wang pointed out that at present our country mainly adopts ways foreigners employed in China, foreign experts working in China, returned students and foreign students in China, foreigners in China permanent residence application and so on the many kinds of system of administrative management mode, no connection between each other, not a system. Related immigration management also scattered among various government departments, the inconvenience immigration for China's development dividends. Therefore, we should speed up the cohesion between different visa, at the same time set up dedicated immigration agency.

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