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Two sessions of China's economy is good sound

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2015 is positioned as a "comprehensive deepening reform crucial year", "comprehensively promote the first year of the rule of law" and "the full completion of the 'second five' plan years ending of" the three "of the year." Held two sessions today, will undoubtedly attract many eyeballs.

There are many hot spots on the highly anticipated two sessions, the intensity and direction of policy in advance to be discussed at the same time, always set off some optimism in the market. This year's two sessions, the economic circles of most concern is the "reforms", including reform in all aspects of investment, taxation, financial and state-owned enterprises, and guide policy hopes to help enterprises to further reducing the burden, to create greater value.

In recent days, I have reported China Entrepreneurs Forum annual meeting in Harbin Yabuli located. Outdoor snow, temperature is only ten degrees below zero, but in the interior, entrepreneurs discuss hot topics but each continues to heat up. Economic environment for business is huge, the future of China's economic growth prospects is undoubtedly the most concern about the topic. In two sessions approaching, entrepreneurs are the prospects of China's economic development is still very optimistic.

Feng Lun, chairman of Vantone Group believes that the external environment, including financial costs, system costs and social costs of mental culture. People tend to simply calculate the financial cost, but it ignores the system cost and social psychology and cultural costs.

In his opinion, it spent a lot of years of economic reform effort, although the pace of reform for economic growth has slowed, but in fact a part of the system to help enterprises solve the cost, reduce the trading activity among some unreasonable institutional barriers. Thus the development of innovative enterprises, finance, trade and so much easier, only the economic dynamism, innovation only the soil, the economy continued to grow in order to foresee the long-term.

Honesty founder Economic Research Institute of Renmin University of China Mao Zhenhua [microblogging] most looking forward to is whether the government is able to further relax the policy to give businesses some loose opportunities, including corporate tax and various fees. "Now the corporate tax burden is relatively high, it should reduce some of the tax burden, in addition, do not pay this fee that fee, you can improve the operational efficiency of enterprises, can tap policies in this regard."

He is also very concerned about the government reform that much power over government administration, there is abuse. "Generally speaking too much or tube, is likely to cause a lot of injustice and corruption, no matter thoroughly, completely canceled. Minimize government resources to focus, something to make better business to dictate its own."

Yabuli forum on release of "Chinese entrepreneurs develop confidence index" also showed entrepreneurs optimism on the economy. Chinese entrepreneurs develop confidence index was 57.13 points the second half of 2014, higher than the average score of 54.40 points in the first half, also higher than the 2013 score 55.81 points. Enhance the economic environment in which scores the most, rising from 51.27 to 59.12 before.

Business confidence has increased for two main reasons, firstly, the government continued to launch economic stimulus, a stimulating effect on the confidence of entrepreneurs produced; the second is that China's monetary policy, including RRR and interest rates, entrepreneurs facing macroeconomic policies and investment environment has improved to some extent, to enhance everyone's confidence.

Such confidence and had an interview with Chi Fulin his optimism coincide. In his view, the current difficulties and problems as soon as possible is relatively large, but still has the power to promote economic development in three areas, the first is able to promote the globalization of the Internet big data layout of Chinese industry, helping to create a transition to Chinese manufacturing to China, followed by urbanization is still much room for development, people's consumption structure upgrading third trend is forming, to further promote the consumption of these factors will help the Chinese economy in the next five years remains 6-7 percent growth rate.

Two sessions held in March each year so that the market is always an optimistic mood optimistic upward, the two sessions of the Chinese economy is undoubtedly sing "good voice." Of course, the Chinese economy still has some problems and risks, what the future will be, by Chi Fulin own words, it "depends on the intensity of the transformation reform," the more ruthless leather, the faster the transformation of China's economy will be able to return to the growth path. But in this process, how to balance the "structural adjustment" and "steady growth" relationship between, too, is a topic worth exploring.

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