Financial News

Singapore was rated the world's best business environment in China, ranked No. 50

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According to the British Broadcasting Television (BBC) 11 �� 20 reported that "The Economist" Intelligence Unit (The Economist Intelligence Unit) released its latest rankings list the world's best business environment, Singapore ranked first among 82 countries enrolled in. It is reported that seven consecutive years, Singapore has aspirations to the top of the list.

It is reported that Singapore with its efficient, open business environment listed in the "Economist" think tank world's best business environment rankings top of the list. In the World Bank [microblogging] recently released the "business climate comfort report" Singapore in 189 countries enrolled in the same top.

The list, the top five were Singapore, Switzerland, Australia, China, Hong Kong and Sweden. "The Economist" Intelligence in the development of the list, a comprehensive study of the political environment in various countries and regions, business environment elements open foreign investment, taxation, labor markets, and infrastructure construction.

Report that the brisk performance with Singapore is different, due to the troubled European debt crisis, many European countries have been affected the rankings. Britain has increased slightly compared rankings last year, but only ranked No. 21. BRIC performance is also poor, mainland China ranked No. 50, ranked No. 64 in Russia, Brazil and India were ranked No. 47 and 48. The performance of the Nordic countries are very good, with the exception of a few five Nordic countries, Denmark and Finland, respectively, 8 and 10 in the top ten.

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