Financial News

Anhui abolish property purchase and the purchase price to encourage farmers into the city

Word:[Big][Middle][Small] Mobile page qrcode 2018/4/24     Viewed:    
June 2 evening, Anhui Construction Department of Housing and Urban Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, National Land Agency, the Department of Commerce, the Inland Revenue Department, Price Bureau, the Finance Office, the Internal Revenue Service, Central Branch of People's Bank of Hefei, the provincial Banking Board, CDB Anhui 12 provincial branches and other departments jointly issued "on the promotion of stable and healthy development of the real estate market views." 

Opinion reads as follows: 

First, the implementation of shantytowns monetization. Requirements 2015 monetization ratio principle, less than 40%. City, county by issuing "purchase tickets" etc., to guide squatters select monetization and independent purchase of commodity housing.Commodity housing stock large cities, to stop or reduce shantytowns resettlement housing construction, the stock of commodity housing as shantytowns resettlement housing. The country through market acquisitions, etc. to raise long-term lease of public rental housing, and shantytowns project through monetization embodiment, the provincial government included in the annual assessment goals and tasks, and a new way to enjoy the same grant funds, land targets support, accordance with the provisions enjoy corresponding tax incentives. 

In addition, public rental housing market mainly through acquisitions or to raise long-term lease, etc., in the state units of public rental housing construction area of ​​standards, based on a modest increase or decrease. The housing mode gradually dominated by the physical security into tranches based payment of rental subsidies. 

The second is to encourage farmers to withdraw into the city to purchase the homestead.To voluntarily withdraw from the homestead and cropland or forest farmers, the city purchase of commodity housing (including second-hand housing), the local government may withdraw its legal with the area, to give a one-time purchase incentives. Citizens support agricultural transfer of population, we will have stable employment in urban areas and in accordance with the conditions of the agricultural transfer of population into the housing security range. To have stable employment in urban agricultural transfer of population, housing provident fund deposit adopt flexible policies. Continuous housing provident fund deposit up to a certain limit, you can apply for housing provident fund loans.

Third, the scientific understanding of housing and land supply. Called on all localities of the proposed, under construction, in the sale of real estate projects carried out a full investigation, according to the various types of housing needs analysis, scientifically determine the total annual housing and land supply, supply a good grasp of timing. It has more land for real estate, built in the sale of real estate in a larger number of areas and a long digestion period, to strictly control the supply of housing land; for real estate too much land has been under construction in the sale of real estate is too great and too long digestion period areas, to significantly reduce the supply of housing land until suspended.Been paid for land transfer and sale of real estate development project yet, the original land transfer government approval, may be extended project and completion time. 

Fourth, implement support reasonable housing consumption resident taxation, finance and housing fund policy. Play a supportive role in the housing fund for reasonable housing consumption, for the first time to apply for individual housing provident fund loans to buy ordinary commercial housing, the minimum down payment minimum down payment ratio of 20% execution. Has paid off for the first time home loans, apply for housing provident fund loans again, the minimum down payment ratio of 30% execution. To have housing units and the corresponding outstanding home loans, in order to improve their living conditions to re-apply for commercial individual housing loans to purchase ordinary housing, the minimum down payment ratio of not less than 40%. Housing fund a loan of less than 85 percent of the city, to further relax loan conditions in the premise of risk control, improve service efficiency. Encourage banking institutions to increase the amount of individual housing loans, shorten the approval period, the practical implementation of the first payment and loan interest rates policies. Earnestly implement the national introduction of the sales tax to adjust individual transfer of property "5 to the 2" policy.Meanwhile, support for the real estate business mergers and acquisitions, commercial banks provide financing support and related financial services in accordance with the relevant requirements, the implementation of national fiscal support policies. 

Fifth, there is no legal basis to cancel all kinds of administrative control measures. Stop the purchase of housing policy, residents buy houses without providing buyers tax or social security contributions that location. Strict implementation of the fee list system, where prices are not involved in the column list of charges administrative fees, government funds, the administrative examination and approval items pre-service fees and government bond (deposit) will be suspended. Real estate sales record price determined by the real estate development enterprises themselves according to the development and construction costs, market supply and demand conditions and other factors, the relevant departments in the process of real estate sales prices for the record shall not charge any fees. 

Sixth, strengthen the real estate market conduct regulation by law in accordance with regulations. Real estate sale funds to improve regulatory measures, the implementation of dynamic regulation, maintaining the regulated sale of real estate funds and programs consistent with the amount of unfinished projects and ease the financial pressure. Real estate development authorities, land and resources department will strengthen the linkage supervision and severely deal with real estate development and trading links in the illegal activities, to maintain the real estate market order. 

"Opinions" require further implement the city and county governments the main responsibility for stabilizing the real estate market, real estate market analysis judged the ability to improve, coordinate and solve the real estate market of the major issues, efforts to implement the financial, tax and other related policies. In time for the construction, in the sale of real estate development projects for investigation, to grasp the situation, to prevent risks. Promote information disclosure, timely disclosure of housing supply, trade and prices, the advance publication and supply of commercial housing supply timing, stabilize market expectations.
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