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Deep restructuring: the firm will improve the level of open economy

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Central deep reform group sixteenth meeting stressed that the firm to improve the level of open economy

] to be put to the power of an enterprise to loosens to open a hand, put in position, do matters outside the negative list by market subject according to the decision

] to improve key areas of price formation mechanism, perfect the system of government pricing, to achieve competitive fields and link price basically liberalized

] broaden the state-owned enterprises to invest in projects of the introduction of non state-owned capital, classification advance state-owned enterprises to invest in projects of the introduction of non state owned capital

General secretary of the CPC Central Committee, chairman of the Central Military Commission, the central comprehensive deepening reform leading group leader Xi Jinping in September 15th presided over the central comprehensive deepening reform leading group meeting and delivered an important speech. He stressed that in order to promote reform and promote development, is the successful practice of China's reform and development. Reform and opening to the outside world, mutual promotion, reform is bound to open up, opening up also inevitably requires reform. We must unswervingly implement the basic national policy of opening up the outside world and implement more proactive and open strategy. We will continue to improve the open economy. We will continue to introduce foreign investment and foreign technology. We will continue to deepen reform and expand opening up, and promote economic development.

CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee, the central comprehensively deepen reform leading group deputy head Li Keqiang, Liu Yunshan, Zhang Gaoli attended the meeting.

Meeting examined and adopted the "on the implementation of the views of the market access in the negative list system", "on the support of the key areas of development of border open several policy measures opinions", "on the promoting the reform of the price mechanism of a number of opinions", "on the encourage and regulate the state-owned enterprises to invest in projects of the introduction of non state owned capital guidance", "opinions on deepening the reform in the system of lawyers", the judges, the prosecutor of a single job sequence reform pilot scheme ", the judges, the prosecutor wage system reform pilot project", the on the strengthening of the foreigner's permanent residence service provided management advice ".

The meeting pointed out that the implementation of market access negative list system, to play a decisive role in the allocation of resources and better play a decisive role in the allocation of resources and better play the role of government, the construction of the business environment, to build an open economy new system, has important significance. To adhere to the socialist market economic reform, the transformation of government functions and innovative management methods, to stimulate market activity and strengthen market supervision and coordination, and regulate market access, streamline and optimize the administrative approval, strengthen and innovation market regulation, and quickly build a market open fair, orderly, enterprise independent decision-making, equal competition, government authority clear, strong regulatory market access management new system. To be put to the power of an enterprise to loosens to open a hand, put in position, do matters outside the negative list by market subject according to the decision. Implementation of market access negative list system through the pilot accumulated experience, and gradually improve.

The meeting stressed that the key areas of focus on the development of open test area, border countries level crossings, border city, border and cross border economic cooperation zones along the border is to deepen our cooperation with surrounding countries and regions and an important platform, and it is also an important support for economic and social development of border areas. To focus to achieve steady edge an edge Hing edge, comprehensive consideration of the economic development and the stability in border areas, national unity, the surrounding tranquility, to further promote the action of prospering frontier and enriching people, strengthen infrastructure construction, increase precision poverty alleviation efforts, support the development of characteristic industry, raise the level of opening up tourism, increase the fiscal and taxation support, implement differentiated policies, deepen the reform of institutional mechanisms, and to play a leading role in the border areas of the border areas of radiation. To reform and innovation to boost border open, allowing the border area pilot, bold exploration innovation cross-border economic cooperation in the new model, border areas to promote a new mechanism for the development, prospering frontier and enriching people new ways to achieve.

The meeting pointed out that to improve the price formation mechanism in key areas, improve the government pricing system, strengthen market price supervision and anti monopoly law enforcement, to achieve competitive areas and links prices are basically liberalized, the government pricing range is mainly limited in important public utilities (22.70, 2742.842, 0.83%), public welfare services, network natural monopoly, the establishment of scientific, standardized, transparent price monitoring system and anti monopoly law enforcement system. All can be formed by the market price of the market to the market, adhere to the combination of management, strengthen the matter in the post regulation, improve regulatory efficiency. To balanced the producers, operators and consumers interests, coordinate the relationship good economic efficiency and social equity, environmental protection. To promote the pricing of the project list, and promote the government's pricing open and transparent.

The meeting stressed that according to the improvement of the structure of property rights of state-owned enterprises to invest in the project, is advantageous to the state-owned capital zoom function, increase the value and enhance our competitiveness, to all kinds of ownership of capital complement each other, mutual promotion and common development of the overall requirements, according to the law in accordance with regulations, open and transparent, perfect the system and optimize the environment principle, broaden the state-owned enterprises to invest in projects to introduce non state-owned capital, classification advance state-owned enterprises to invest in projects of the introduction of non state owned capital. To improve the investment mode, standardize the decision-making process, to prevent the black box operation and the loss of state-owned assets.

The meeting stressed that improve the ability of domestic and international two markets and two resources to firmly seize the reform as the core, upholding the combination of internal and external co-ordination, destruction, resolutely eliminate all obstacles to the opening of the institutional obstacles, and speed up the formation of is conducive to the cultivation of the comparative advantage and competitive advantage of the new institutional arrangements. To from the aspects of system and rules reform, including promoting relax market access to investment and accelerate the free trade area construction, expansion of the interior border open, institutional reform, improve market access and supervision, protection of property rights, credit system and other aspects of the legal system, create a rule of law, international business environment. To speed up the pace of cooperation to promote the opening of the East and West, to consolidate the traditional advantages of foreign trade, strengthen international cooperation in production capacity, accelerate the development of new competitive advantage.

The meeting pointed out that the use of foreign capital is our long-term policy, China's use of foreign investment policy will not change, the protection of the legitimate interests of foreign investment enterprises will not change, for the country's enterprises in China to invest in the industry to provide better service direction will not change. We should combine the use of foreign investment with the transformation of economic development mode, adjust the economic structure closely, pay more attention to the introduction of advanced technology, management experience and high quality personnel. Expanding opening to the outside world to implement the "along the way" and other major national strategies, with the reform and development of the domestic link up. To actively participate in international economic and trade rules, and promote the development of the international economic order in a more fair and reasonable direction.

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